Sunday, January 9, 2011

Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

I find something strangely appropriate about starting my blog with this book. Perhaps it is because I have high and unfounded hopes on this blog. Perhaps unconsciously I am hoping my drabbles on the internet will be recognized as some heartbreaking work of staggering genius itself. Or perhaps because this book marked a new era of my reading materials. This blog will be as much of a book review as a book report. With lots of self reflection, and undoubtedly some spoilers. I don't claim any literary expertise, and I am miserable at picking up nuances in the author's writing, so I hope to be able to present my thoughts to the vast emptiness that I write to without any pretense of understanding and offer my pure impressions. I wonder if it is appropriate for me to apologize in advance for my inadequate writing skills, especially since I am sure no one is reading this blog. Please lower your expectations of me, I know I undoubtedly misled you by starting off with such a widely acclaimed memoir. 

I have yet to finish this book. Not because I find it lacking in any particular way, but school started soon after I decided to take a crack at it (is this the correct idiom?) But I must admit I don't find it particularly exciting. I think the most gripping scene was when Dave's brother Toph accuses him for his self righteousness, the way Dave manipulates his situation as an orphan, a poor young adult who is a guardian over a young boy, the discrimination he faces, the struggle that manifested itself into the mess of their apartment... all of this Dave takes it and uses it to stand on a higher ground whilst judging others for failing so miserably to meet his superior moral standards. 
I also think it's interesting how Dave is obsessed with his brother's death. How he constantly agonizes over everything that could possibly go wrong with Toph and plays out these long episodes in his head. 

I unintentionally left this book at home when I came back to school, so I will not be able to get back to it for a while... Hopefully I will come back to you with some other pieces soon.